Return Exchange Policies
We have free returns and no questions asked return policy. To return consignee have to send the dress back with-in 7 day after buying and share the image of delivery slip to shipper at 03124243574 along with the complete account details. Company will refund total amount with in 15 to 20 working days after receiving the parcel back. Total amount of the dress will be refunded after deduction of 3000 rupees of cargo/ courier charges
Unstitched 3 - 7 Working Days.
Note: Actual product may be slightly different from the photo. Please send us a Whatsapp Msg to view the complete video of the product before buying.
Unstitched 3 - 7 Working Days.
Note: Actual product may be slightly different from the photo. Please send us a Whatsapp Msg to view the complete video of the product before buying.